Women’s health amidst Sudan’s civil war – article Lancet Journal


Blood donation drive conducted by AISPO in cooperation with GIZ (German Agency for International Cooperation) and the Italian Cooperation – Sierra Leone


In support of Mozambican scientists to protect biodiversity

Sixty-five percent of Mozambique’s population lives in rural areas, and “biodiversity offers a tool for daily survival,” explains Paolo Mistè, program manager for the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) in Mozambique.

A sostegno degli scienziati mozambicani per la tutela della biodiversità – Oltremare (aics.gov.it)



War in Sudan: the words of Matteo Todeschini, AISPO project manager in Sudan between 2018 and 2019

“At the time, Sudan was ruled by the dictatorship of Al-Bashir. During the last period of my stay there was tension, with demonstrations becoming more and more frequent; the army was shooting at people to disperse them. With the fall of the government, the situation became more tense’.

Guerra in Sudan, le testimonianza dagli ospedali (semprenews.it)



Conference December 1st 2022: Evaluation of the cooperazion project “Support to the improvement of nursing care in 3 Governorates in Egypt”

The conference took place on Thursday 1 in Cairo to mark the completion of the three-year project ‘Supporting nursing improvement in three governorates in Egypt’ financed by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation (AICS) and conducted in five of Egypt’s 27 governorates: initially in Port Said, Ismailia and South Sinai but later, at the request of the Egyptian Ministry of Health, also in those of Luxor and Aswan.



WHO Press release for the inauguration of the new ward at Akre Hospital in Duhok

On September 14, 2022, AISPO inaugurated the rehabilitated pediatric department at Akre Pediatric and Maternity Hospital in the presence of local Authorities.
Technical assistance and trainingon the job have been provided by Hevi Pediatric Teaching Hospital staff under AISPO expert’s clinical supervision.
This action was funded by PRM-WHO in the framework of the project “Support Duhok Directorate of Health in improving neonatal and pediatric services to address the needs of Syrian refugees and host community in Duhok Province”.




Women of Port Sudan

Since 2016, AISPO NGO has been working with projects to strengthen women’s health funded by AICS. A reportage from the Red Sea coast, where one of their projects is based. Article from AICS Newsletter “Oltremare”.

Le donne di Port Sudan


Inauguration of State of the Art Medical Training Center CSTC in Duhok

Funded by the German Government and GIZ in the framework of the project “Strengthening HRH (Human Resources for Health) in Duhok Province”


‘The Nurse’ N° 5 – 2020

Organize training for Kurdish nurses according to international guidelines and protocols and adapted to the local context.
– Verify the impact on nursing care after the training and insertion of 8 new units.
– Ensure the delivery of quality health services to newborns and pediatric patients and with adequate training of nursing staff, decrease mortality and comorbidities in the Operating Unit.

Hevi Paediatric Teaching Hospital: A story of lifesaving services

“There are many such human stories to this vital health project in Duhok. Many young lives have been saved and have recovered to enjoy a healthy life again, owing to the efforts of the Duhok Directorate of Health, WHO and generous contributions from donors such as the European Civil Protection and Humanitarian Aid (ECHO), the implementing partner Associazione Italiana per la Solidarietà tra i Popoli (AISPO), the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the Bureau of Population, Refugees and Migration (BPRM) at the US Department of State, and the governments and peoples of Germany and Japan.”


GSD Magazine: AISPO and OSR for the health of Africa: Sierra Leone, the first blood transfusion center opened

“In this context, blood is an emergency, so the health priority of the country is to have an efficient and safe transfusion medicine. Following a feasibility study on site in 2016, we have created, with the collaboration of the team of Dr. Luca Santoleri, head of the Blood Transfusion Center at San Raffaele Hospital, a Blood Transfusion Center at the Maternal and Child Hospital in the capital of Sierra Leone.”

Healthy Developments – BMZ: ‘Now the whole focus is on COVID-19’

“As the pandemic spreads across countries in the Middle East, Central and South-East Asia, German-supported health projects refocus their activities to help partners rise to this unprecedented challenge. Contributions range from health worker trainings to setting up digital case reporting systems and devising social media campaigns.”

Rudaw – Kurdistan: Italian nurses ‘working around the clock’ to strengthen Duhok hospitals

“Medical professionals from Italy are sharing their knowledge and expertise with hospital staff in Duhok to prepare them for an expected influx of coronavirus patients. Nurses from the San Raffaele Milano hospital in Milan are working with Italian non-profit AISPO to strengthen Duhok’s hospitals for a major outbreak.”

EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian crisis – Testimonial – ‘No water, no electricity, no health care: life after Daesh’

“Thanks to Italian NGO AISPO and the financial support of the EU through the Trust Fund, Heevi hospital has recently been renovated and equipped with state-of-the-art machines which allow it to respond to the medical needs of almost 2 million people. AISPO has also provided staff with training for the hospital’s neonatal intensive care unit.”

Rai 3 ‘Prima Pagina’ Radio Program

From minute 24,55: L’italiana che cura i traumi dei bambini dell’Isis

La Repubblica: L’italiana che cura i traumi dei bambini dell’Isis: “Li aiuto a uscire dal buio”

“Anna Pelamatti, ex docente universitaria di Psicologia a Trieste, ora lavora nel centro di Salute mentale per l’infanzia di Duhok: uno dei pochi presidi in Medio Oriente, venti campi assistiti, con un progetto sulla salute mentale per bambini e adolescenti affetti da sindrome post-traumatica da stress.”



L’Espresso: Quei bambini smarriti, rifugiati per sempre: «Per noi è come stare in prigione»

“Nei campi profughi continuano gli arrivi. Mentre la guerra in Siria continua e si dimentica la speranza di tornare a casa.”

L’Espresso article-05.01.2020

Sierra Leone News: il 12.12.2019 alla presenza delle Autorità Sierraleonesi è stato inaugurato il Centro Trasfusionale presso l’Ospedale PCMH

“Stationed at Princess Christian Maternity Hospital (PCMH) the construction of the ultra-modern facility was funded by the Italian Agency for Development and Cooperation (AICS) and implemented by the Italian Association of Solidarity Among People (AISPO). The centre will help ensure the preservation and safety of blood to save lives. Head of National Safe Blood Services Professor Sahr Gevao, disclosed that the cost of the project is 1.3 mission euros, including the training of six laboratorist and the use of modern techniques in blood transfusion, development of standard operating procedures and computers software for blood donors…”

The Daily Star Lebanon: Five years on, Yazidis struggle to forget Daesh nightmare

“In February 2019, Esmat announced the opening of a new tri-partner project with doctors at the CAMHC, AISPO – a Milan-based NGO – and a small multidisciplinary team of Italian experts from the University of Trieste. Esmat, AISPO and the team of experts conducted an initial report in October 2018, evaluating the mental health state found among Yazidis at the center, as well as recording the political changes taking place at the heart of the Yazidi community.”

AICS KHARTOUM: Online handbook on Pediatric vital signs in newborns, neonates, infants and children

“With the project “Support for the development of human resources in the Health Sector of Red Sea State funded by AICS – Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – and implemented by AISPO – Associazione Italiana per la Solidarietà tra i Popoli and the University of Sassari, the handbook on Pediatric vital signs in newborn, neonate a, infant and child has been published and is currently in use in the Port Sudan Pediatric Teaching Hospital.”

WHO EMRO – Chances of survival for children in Dohuk see a significant improvement

“At Heevi Pediatric Hospital in Dohuk Governorate, the survival rate for children with acute conditions has significantly improved since WHO started supporting the paediatric intensive care unit more than 3 years ago.”

Sierra Leone News: Construction begins on first blood transfusion centre at PCMH

“Staff and officials gathered at the Princess Christian Maternity Hospital (PCMH) on Friday 11 January 2019, for a “breaking ground” ceremony for construction of a new building, which will serve as a new laboratory for blood analysis and restoration of the donation area as part of the strategic plan within the Ministry of Health that will help save lives more especially for women and children.”

The EU Regional Trust Fund in Response to the Syrian Crisis – Newsletter

Iraq- Health Services – “With 250,000 Syrian refugees having fled to the Kurdistan Region of Iraq and 1 million internally displaced people due to the war against Da’esh, Akre Hospital in the Kurdistan Region of Iraq, faces dire challenges to provide basic quality services to vulnerable patients. The Trust Fund with the Italian NGO AIPSO jointly contributed to providing Akre Hopsital with brand new emergency ward and helping it better fulfil its life-saving mission.”

El Pais: El barco hospital San Rafaelle volvió a zarpar desde Buenaventura

“El barco Hospital cuenta con salas de cirugía, laboratorio, sala de recuperación, consultorios y un equipo humano conformado por cirujanos, pediatras, odontólogos, médicos internistas, generales, entre otros, con toda la intención de prestar servicios en salud sin ánimo de lucro.”


“In occasione del World Mental Health Day, celebrato in tutto il mondo il 10 ottobre, la Cooperazione italiana, in partnership con il Direttorato Generale della Sanità di Duhok, nel Kurdistan iracheno, ha lanciato il progetto “Supporto ai servizi di salute mentale per i minori e i giovani del Governatorato di Duhok“, che sarà realizzato dalla organizzazione della società civile (Osc) AISPO – Associazione Italiana per la Solidarietà fra i Popoli.”

14 scholarships for midwives and nurses of the obstetric teaching hospital of Port Sudan have been granted – AICS Khartoum

The ceremony for the delivery of 14 scholarships for midwives and nurses of the Abstetric Teaching Hospital of Port Sudan took place in Port Sudan in the framework of the initiative AID 10821 “Support for the development of human resources in the health sector of the State of Red Sea” financed by AICS and realized by AISPO and University of Sassari. The fellows will take part in one month of training in the intensive care units, the delivery room and the maternity wards in the Soba Univerity Hospital of Khartoum University.

10/05/2018 “Inauguration Semi Intensive Care Unit (Port Sudan)” – Italian Embassy Khartoum

“On May 6th 2018 at the Teaching Obstetric Hospital in Port Sudan the inauguration of the Semi Intensive Care Unit and Nutritional Ward funded by the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation and implemented by the Italian Ong AISPO and the University of Sassari in partnership with the Ministry of Health took place in the presence of the Director General of the Ministry of Health, Dr. Amad Abdu Rabu, the Director of the Hospital, Dr. Abdallah, the Governor of the Red Sea State, H.E. Mr. Ali Ahmed Hamidt, the Italian Ambassador Fabrizio Lobasso, the AICS Representative Vincenzo Racalbuto, and representatives of the Hospital.
The Italian interventions foresee the rehabilitation of both a semi intensive care unit where around 190 patients from will benefit of the service with 6 beds fully equipped, and a nutritional ward where around 150 patients will be admitted yearly for severe malnutrition, severe anemia, obesity and vitamin deficiencies.”

08/05/2018 “Sudan: Italy donates an operational unit for nutrition” – Italian Foreign Ministry

“Italy is in the front line in Sudan in the fight against the malnutrition of pregnant women, young mothers and children under the age of five and to improve the healthcare system of the Country so as to ensure access to quality healthcare services to as many people as possible”, said Italian Ambassador Fabrizio Lobasso during the inaugural ceremony of the Operational Nutrition Unit at the University Obstetrics Hospital of Port Sudan, the largest among the Red Sea States. The event was attended by Amad Abdu Rabu, Director General of the Ministry of Health, Abdallah, Director of the Hospital, Ali Ahmed Hamidt, Governor of the Red Sea State and Vincenzo Racalbuto, representative in Khartoum of the Italian Agency for Development Cooperation – AICS .

The Italian Cooperation system assigned to the AISPO NGO a nine month emergency initiative, worth in total some 350,000 euro, designed to face the local population’s severe and moderate malnutrition and to rehabilitate the semi-intensive therapy unit of the hospital. In particular, the initiative envisaged training courses on nutrition and on the use of semi-intensive therapy equipment for 65 gynaecologists, nurses and obstetricians, an increase in the number of beds for patients with nutritional problems, verandas and also sewers to limit the risk of infection. Some 12,172 pregnant women, women who have just given birth and children under the age of five are the recipients of the program which also envisages the purchase and supply of medicinal products.

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