Port Sudan
Podcast in arabic on the first Family Medicine training: Listen here
Strengthen the academic training of the figure of the “Medical Assistant” through the inclusion of theoretical notions of “Family Medicine”; the improvement of a training course at the “Ahmed Gassim” Health Center, in order to make it a “family health center model” to be replicated in the Red Sea State; improvement of the health center services.
- Activate a “pilot” training course for MA in Ahmed Gasim Health Centers with focus on Family Medicine. ì
- Creation of a “manual of the tutor” of the AHS in “Family Medicine”.
- Three days of specific training for tutors of “Ahmed Gasim” on 4 topics identified as priorities in the training of the students of the “Medical Assistant” course.
- Five days of theoretical training to students of the MA course on topics identified as priorities in the field of family medicine and community medicine.
- Four days of theoretical training to students of the Nursing course on topics identified as priorities in the field of family medicine and community medicine.
- Three scientific researches / theses applied to Family Medicine, promoted by teachers and students of the AHS of Port Sudan.
- Hire a local medical advisor to implement trainings.
- Activities of health promotion and services promotion at the “Ahmed Gasim” Family Health Center and in the area.
- A scientific research applied to Family Medicine, promoted by researchers from the Red Sea University.
- Creation of a manual on: the risks related to drug / antibiotic abuse; causes and consequences of antibiotic resistance; treatment flowchart.
- Scholarships in Khartoum for 3 professionals working within “Ahmed Gasim“ HC.
- Urgent maintenance and material purchasing for the “Ahmed Gasim” Health Center.
- Two workshops for family doctors and general practitioners on the rational use of drugs in communities.