OVCI (Organismo di Volontariato per la Cooperazione Internazionale) – la Nostra Famiglia
Khartoum and Port Sudan, Sudan
General objective: Contribute to the improvement of basic health services by strengthening the professional training of health workers employed in the health centres.
Specific Objective: Improve the theoretical and practical skills of health professionals at PHC level and produce various teaching materials.
- 1 Disability related services at PHC level
- 2 Communication with patients with special needs
- 3 Cancer prevention and related services at PHC level
- 4 Family planning
- 5 Cervical and Breast cancer prevention
- 6 Nutrition
- 7 Child abuse and domestic violence
- 8 Gender based violence and FGM services at PHC level
- 9 Mental Health services at PHC level
- 10 Organisation of the spaces inside a Health Centre according to Family Medicine Standards
- 11 Human and financial resource management of a Health Centre
- 12 Referral System
- 13 Data recording and Filing system
- 14 Communication skills
- 15 Infection control and COVID 19
- 16 Laboratory techniques
- 17 Vector transmissible diseases
- 18 Non communicable diseases
- 19 First Aid
- 20 Drug Abuse and antibiotic resistance