• Lebanon – Health and multi-sector assistance for displaced, refugee and host population in Mount Lebanon Governorate

    Improve access to health, protection, and WASH services for IDPs, refugees, and host communities in some of the most affected areas of Lebanon.

  • SUDAN – Supporting accessibility of social, health and education services and economic empowerment of persons with disabilities in the Port Sudan and Kassala areas

    To contribute to the empowerment and inclusion of persons with disabilities in Sudan.

  • SUDAN – Access to basic health services for the most vulnerable in the Port Sudan area

    To contribute to the humanitarian response resulting from the conflict that began in Sudan on 15 April 2023.

  • KURDISTAN – Ayee baytheli – This is my Home. Support to Christian communities in Iraq

    To support Christian communities, through responding to basic needs, protecting rights, promoting socio-economic inclusion, fostering reconciliation and inter-religious dialogue.

  • SUDAN – Basic health services for conflict-affected populations in Kassala and Red Sea States

    Improving the health conditions of the Sudanese population, particularly those displaced by the conflict in the eastern states.

  • EGYPT – Support to the improvement of medical and nursing care in Egypt – III Phase

    The project goal is to contribute to improve the health of the Egyptian population through improved nursing and medical care.

  • KURDISTAN – Support in improving oncology and critical care services to address the needs of the population in Duhok province- Phase 2

    To reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality among the Syrian refugee population, IDPs and host community by ensuring timely access to quality oncology and critical healthcare services for the population affected by the ongoing chronic crises

  • SUDAN – Supporting the Maternity Hospital at the Kassala Health Citadel

    To improve women’s reproductive health and newborn health services by promoting better quality integrated health services at the specialist level through strengthening the health services of the Maternity Hospital at Kassala Health Citadel.

  • SUDAN – Emergency health care for displaced, refugee and host population in Port Sudan

    Assist through durable health care interventions displaced, refugee, host communities in Sudan, particularly in the Red Sea State

  • MADAGASCAR: Malagasy Dina to improve maternal and neonatal health in Ambanja – phase 2

    Engage leaders and the community as a whole to create a system of rules of conduct (DINA) on maternal and newborn health and increase coverage of antenatal visits in the city of Ambanja

  • MOZAMBIQUE: Strengthening emergency services at Pemba provincial hospital, Cabo Delgado province

    Enhancing services at Pemba Hospital through rehabilitation or possible expansion to international standards of a Radiology and Adult Intensive Care Unit.

  • KURDISTAN: Support in improving oncology and critical care services to address the needs of the population in Duhok province

    To reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality among the Syrian refugee population, IDPs and host community by ensuring timely access to quality oncology and critical healthcare services for the population affected by the ongoing chronic crises

  • KURDISTAN: Support in improving Nurses Care Services for adult critical care to address the needs of the population in Hawija, Erbil and Sinjar Hospitals

    To reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality among the Returnees population, IDPs and host community by ensuring timely access to quality critical healthcare services for the population affected by the ongoing chronic crises.

  • MOZAMBIQUE: Strengthening the system of health personnel training institutes and supporting the development of telemedicine

    Improve the training system for technical health personnel by strengthening the National Directorate and Training Institutes in the provinces of Sofala and Maputo, both by developing the technical capacity of teaching and management staff and by improving teaching methodology, equipment, and technology.

  • SUDAN – Supporting public health services for women and children in Red Sea, Kassala and Khartoum States

      DONOR  AICS PARTNER Medici con l’Africa – CUAMM     PARTNER Istituto Giannina Gaslini Children’s Hospital   LOCATION Red Sea, Kassala and Khartoum States – Sudan Objective Improving women’s reproductive health and neonatal health by promoting better quality integrated health services at territorial (Health Centre) and specialist (Hospital) levels, through training of health personnel…

  • SOUTH SUDAN – Responding to the South Sudanese health emergency by revitalizing the maternity and pediatrics departments of both Government and Comboni Hospitals in Wau and enhancing the ANC, MCH and nutrition operational capacities of the Ireneo Wien Dut Health Center.

    Improving the life conditions of the most vulnerable sections of the population affected by the South Sudanese crisis in South Sudan and Ethiopia

  • PORT SUDAN – Support for the Red Sea State Health System through strengthening maternal and child health and EMOC services and prevention, treatment, and management of common direct and indirectly transmitted diseases afflicting the most vulnerable population groups

    Support the Red Sea health system by strengthening primary health care services in order to reduce the state’s morbidity and mortality rates. 

  • SUDAN – Training related to family and community medicine for the health operators of the Health Centers of Khartoum and Port Sudan

    Contribute to the improvement of basic health services by strengthening the professional training of health workers employed in the health centres

  • SOUTH SUDAN – Response to the COVID-19 emergency and Health Nutrition issues in Western Bahr el Ghazal by strengthening 8 peripheral health centers, activating the referral system with health facilities in Wau, and raising awareness among local communities where IDPs reside.

        DONOR  AICS LOCATION  Western Bahr el Ghazal, South Sudan Objective Strengthen 8 peripheral health centers in Bussere, Taban, Gaitan, Mboro, Bringi, Bagari, Jebel Khair, New Site PHCU, and local communities, with special emphasis on the most vulnerable groups, in managing the Covid-19 emergency and improving health care delivery regarding the prevention, treatment, and…

  • LEBANON – Support for vulnerable populations in areas of Lebanon by strengthening health centres.

    Strengthening the level of health care provided to local Lebanese populations and refugees in rural areas in the governorate of Mount Lebanon and South Lebanon.

  • SUDAN – Nursing Sciences at Comboni College: inclusive teaching for outcast Christian minorities

    Building and making operational a university education facility as an inclusive and safe learning environment that also meets the needs of children

  • SIERRA LEONE – Support to the blood transfusion system – phase II

    Supporting access to safe blood and blood derivatives for patients in need of blood transfusions, particularly pregnant and labouring women, newborns and children with severe anaemia in Sierra Leone

  • KURDISTAN – Support Duhok DGoH in improving neonatal and pediatric services to address the needs of Syrian refugees and host community in Duhok Province

    To reduce neonatal and pediatric mortality rate among the Syrian refugee population, IDPs and host community, by ensuring timely access to quality critical care services for the population affected by the ongoing chronic crises

  • MADAGASCAR – Malagasy Dina and telemedicine to improve maternal and child health in Ambanja

    Improving access to maternal and neonatal health services in the city of Ambanja through community action and a telemedicine system with interventions aimed at building a supportive environment for pregnant women and their newborns

  • SUDAN – Support to refugees, IDPs and host communities at Hamdayet camp in Kassala through the strengthening of health, water and sanitation facilities

    Strengthen health and WASH services for the benefit of the vulnerable population present in Hamdayet transit camp, in order to improve their living conditions and mitigate the negative effects of the humanitarian crisis, including for the host communities, through the creation of water points, showers, latrines and the rehabilitation of a health center.

  • EGYPT – Support to the improvement of nursing care in 3 Governorates in Egypt

    To contribute to improving the health status of the Egyptian population through improved nursing care, particularly in three Governorates (Port Said, Ismailia, South Sinai) and neighboring areas.

  • KURDISTAN – Improving the quality of nursing curriculum and clinical practice in Iraqi Kurdistan

    The General Objective is to contribute to the improvement of the health of the population of the Kurdistan Autonomous Region.

  • SUDAN – Support to the Central Laboratory of the Kassala Health Citadel

    Strengthening of the network of laboratories in Kassala and in particular the laboratories of the “Kassala Health Citadel” with particular regard to the Diagnostic Lab and the Blood Bank and the laboratories connected to them.

  • COLOMBIA – Disaster Preparedness action through the implementation of an Emergency Medical Team (EMT)

    Strengthen the capacity of communities, health institutions and personnel to build resilience and respond quickly and effectively to emergencies due to natural, human and epidemiological causes, taking into account a family a ethnical approach.

  • MOZAMBIQUE – Support to Environmental Research (BIOFORMOZ)

    Help ensuring the conservation of biodiversity through integration, training, funding and the creation of partnerships between different sectors of society

  • KURDISTAN – Support to mother and child health in Duhok Province

    Support the Duhok Maternity Hospital in the reorganization of its spaces and functions by building a new outpatient clinic that will deliver prevention, care, counseling, and awareness raising services

  • LEBANON – Strengthening of health services in rural Lebanon

    To improve the quality of health services for Syrian refugees and the local population through the strengthening of primary health centers in rural Lebanon

  • SUDAN – Improving accessibility and quality of Health services for migrants, refugees, IDPs and host communities in Red Sea and Kassala States

    To improve the quality and sustainability of Primary Health Services (PHC) in favour of the host communities, migrants, refugees and IDPs in Kassala and Red Sea States.

  • SUDAN – Support to the vulnerable population of Mayo through the distribution of food parcels and hygiene kits to cope with the COVID-19 emergency plus the creation of a water collection system

    Strengthen food security and WASH services for the most vulnerable population of Mayo, also to reduce the impact of COVID-19 through the distribution of food and hygiene kits, awareness raising on good hygiene practices and rainwater harvesting.

  • SUDAN – SAFE – Strengthening of women’s basic health services by improving the early detection system for breast and cervical cancer in the Red Sea State

    Promote and increase access to basic health services aimed at breast and cervical cancer prevention by improving the services offered, the theoretical and practical skills of health workers and the community’s awareness on the topic.

  • SOUTH SUDAN – COVID-19 emergency response in Western Bahr el Ghazal by strengthening 6 outlying health centres, liaising with the Al-Mukta isolation centre in Wau and raising awareness in the local communities where IDPs live.

    Strengthen 6 peripheral health centres in Western Bahr el Ghazal and local communities, with particular attention to the most vulnerable groups, in the management of the COVID-19 emergency.

  • COLOMBIA- Intervention for the improvement of health conditions and risk management of the population victim of armed conflict and of migrants living in the Pacific Coast, through a strategy of Primary Health Care, Psychosocial support and strengthening of local capacities

    To contribute to the improvement of health conditions and risk management of the population of the Colombian Pacific Coast, victim of the armed conflict and without access to basic health services

  • KURDISTAN – Support Duhok Directorate of Health in providing quality health services at Hevi Hospital through the expansion of the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit and the harmonization of wards, to address the needs of Syrian refugees and the host community

    To strengthen the capacity of Duhok DGOH to offer quality pediatric critical care services to Syrian refugee population, IDPs and host community

  • KURDISTAN – Transferring Duhok Hevi PaediatricTeaching Hospital best practices in neonatal and paediatric critical care to Rapareen PaediatricsTeaching Hospital

    To reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality among IDPs and host community new-borns and children, by ensuring timely access to quality neonatal and paediatric critical care services.

  • SUDAN – Family Medicine in Kassala State: Strengthening skills in ‘family medicine’ for health center workers and training for students at the Academy of Medical Sciences

    Contribute to the improvement of the theoretical and practical skills of health professionals (medical assistants and nurses) of the “Family Health Centers”, as well as students of the Academy of Health Sciences in family and community medicine.

  • SUDAN – Port Sudan – Support to the public health sector of the Red Sea State in its educational and infrastructural components with focus on mother and child health

    Contribute to the improvement of the health of the Red Sea State population through the strengthening of the diagnostic and curative capacities of the health service

  • KURDISTAN-Accessibility, inclusiveness and quality of basic health services for minors in the Province of Duhok and Nineveh plain

    To improve accessibility to quality health services and improve the protection of internally displaced persons, refugees and host communities with special attention to children and adolescents with disabilities and chronic diseases.

  • MADAGASCAR – TRANO NY RENY (the mother’s house) – Integrated social and health program for young women in need in the city of Ambanja

    Improve the living conditions of women and newborn babies in vulnerable situations through integrated social and health services with quality medical exams pre and post birth, a listening center with psychological and legal support, social inclusion, cultural activities, computer literacy courses and academic remedial courses.
    Project supported with the funds Otto Per Mille of the Waldensian Church.

  • KURDISTAN – Strengthening HRH (Human Resources for Health) in Duhok Province

    Strengthening the capacities of Duhok Directorate General of Health in providing quality healthcare services

  • SUDAN – Family Medicine in Red Sea – Strengthening ‘family medicine’ abilities at the ‘Ahmed Gasim’ Health Centre in Port Sudan and training of the students of the Academy of Health Sciences of the Red Sea State

    Strengthen the academic training of the figure of the “Medical Assistant” through the inclusion of theoretical notions of “Family Medicine”; the improvement of a training course at the “Ahmed Gassim” Health Center, in order to make it a “family health center model” to be replicated in the Red Sea State; improvement of the health center services.

  • KURDISTAN – Support to mother and child and critical care services in Duhok province (Phase II) – the EU MADAD Fund

    Increase the quality of mother and child and critical care for IDPs, refugees and the affected host population through strengthening the health system and staff capacities in Duhok Governorate

  • KURDISTAN – Support DGoH-Duhok in providing quality mental health services to address the needs of IDPs, refugees and host communities

    Provide quality mental health services to IDPs, refugees and host community in Duhok Province

  • KURDISTAN – Support Duhok Directorate of Health in providing quality primary and secondary health services to address the needs of Syrian refugees and host community

    Reduce avoidable morbidity and mortality among the Syrian refugee population and host community, with special focus on children, by ensuring timely access to primary and critical healthcare services for the population affected by the ongoing crisis

  • SUDAN- Support to the rural communities in the Kassala State to face the malnutrition of pregnant women, young mothers of children under the age of five and their children

    To improve the prevention, control, treatment of acute and moderate malnutrition (MAM) and severe (SAM) in children under five years of age and the promotion of good nutritional practices of young mothers in the North Delta in the state of Kassala.

  • COLOMBIA – Intervention for the improvement of health conditions in the rural population of the Pacific Coast, victims of the armed conflict, without access to health services through health promotion actions and prevention of diseases

    Contribute to the improvement of the health conditions of populations on the Colombian Pacific Coast, victims of the armed conflict and without access to basic health services.

  • KURDISTAN (Iraq) – Support to mental health services for children and adolescents in the Duhok Province

    Improvement of the mental health conditions of the displaced population and of the host community, with particular reference to minors and young people.

  • SUDAN- Support to the Port Sudan Teaching Obstetric Hospital to tackle the malnutrition of pregnant women, young mothers of children under five years old and their children.

    The aim of the project is the prevention and cure of malnutrition through the creation of a semi-intensive therapy unit for pregnant women, the creation of a nutrition center and training the staff involved in the abovementioned services.

  • SIERRA LEONE – Creation of the first Transfusion Center in Sierra Leone

    Ensure the accessibility to blood and safe derivative products for patients in need, particularly to women, nursing mothers, infants and children; Improve transfusion services and ensure the availability of blood, with priority to the Freetown area.

  • SOUTH SUDAN – Strengthening services provided by the Comboni Hospital in Wau in its clinical and educational responsibilities also in response to the migration flows of South Sudan

    Contribute to improved access to healthcare services with an upgraded capacity of assistance for the population of South Sudan, also to prevent migration flows out of the country and improve the living conditions of internally displaced persons.

  • KURDISTAN (Iraq) – Critical care and lifesaving services for the most vulnerable patients referred to Duhok Emergency Hospital (KR-I)

    Enhance critical care services for internally displaced persons, refugees and local community in Duhok Governorate at the Duhok Emergency and Trauma Hospital through the creation of a high dependency unit for the care of semi critical patients.

  • KURDISTAN (Iraq) – Support to the emergency-urgency health care system in Zakho, in Duhok governorate

    The project aims to improve the health conditions of the Internal Displaced People and the host community in Zakho district, contributing to the development of better emergency \urgency services at Zakho Emergency Hospital through training activities and civil works.

  • SUDAN – Support to medical education of public institutions in Kassala State

    Strengthening teaching and research in the field of communicable diseases at the University of Kassala; Improving teaching offer at the Academy of Health Science of Kassala; Improving capabilities in molecular diagnostics University in Khartoum and the Mycetoma Centre in Khartoum; Improved ability of the Teaching Hospital laboratory services.

  • SUDAN – Port Sudan – Support to the development of human resources in the health sector in the Red Sea State

    Strengthening of the “Academy of Health Science” through teaching skills: technical and laboratory assistants, midwives, medical assistants and nurses; Improve the General Hospital of Port Sudan in some departments such as practical training units for AHS students (Hospital Maternal, Pediatric Hospital and Central Laboratory); Launch of the Hospital University research lines in Port Sudan, in collaboration with scientific institutes and research excellences, both Italian and international.

  • KURDISTAN – Essential lifesaving health services for the most vulnerable patients referred to Duhok’s Health facilities (KR-I)

    General objective is to reinforce emergency medical response and assistance for war casualties by supporting Duhok Emergency and Trauma hospital.

  • KURDISTAN – Emergency initiative for the strengthening of basic services for displaced persons and host communities in the Autonomous Region of Iraqi Kurdistan

    The second phase of the project, to be continued in 2017, is starting thanks to the renewed support of AICS (269.884 euros). Priority remains on the improvement of the health conditions of the displaced population and the host community, through further strengthening first assistance services in 23 Primary Health Care Center of Zakho, Sumel, Duhok, Akre, Amedi, Shekhan districts and the integration of urgent medical-emergency service (122) provided in the existing camps and expected new ones to accommodate the newly displaced people from Mosul.

  • KURDISTAN – GIZ Cash for work

    The project was developed in collaboration with GIZ and Duhok Directorate General of Health. 1,102,750 Euros were provided in order to hire health workers who will provide first aid and training for health and hygiene prevention to the most vulnerable groups of displaced persons and refugees in the camps and in the hosting community of Sharya, Kabarto 1 and 2, Domiz 1 and 2, Qadyea, Darkar, Bajid kandala 1 and 2.

  • SOUTH SUDAN – Response to the emergency in the Wau region

    The project aims to improve the health conditions of the displaced population and the host community by strengthening primary care services.

  • SUDAN: Service Agreement in Red Sea, Kassala and Gedaref

    Inside the Italian Cooperation Emergency Program in Sudan, AID 010421/02/5 “Initiative to support Sudan vulnerable populations in emergency status, with special focus to child, women, elderly and disables and support to conflict areas communities in Darfur states”, AISPO has signed a service agreement for project activities controlling and monitoring.

  • KURDISTAN: “Support to the emergency/critical care services and maternal and child health in Duhok governorate” EU MADAD Trust Fund

    The main objective is to increase access to quality and equitable Mother and Child and Emergency health care for Syrian refugees, IDPs and affected host local populations both through direct interventions and through strengthening health systems and capacities in Duhok Governorate – Kurdistan Region of Iraq.

  • MADAGASCAR: Mobile Health P.A.N.D.A. E HPV

    PANDA stands for “Pregnancy And Newborn Diagnostic Assessment: the system is a mobile solution that allows to reach pregnant women even in the most remote areas.

  • SOUTH SUDAN: Mother and Child health care in Wau

    The project continues to reinforce the actions developed during the first phase (April 2012 – July 2013), when the funds from MAECI a new Obstetric and Gynecologic ward (240sqm) was realized at the Comboni Hospital. In the first year of the second phase project a new laboratory was realized and a Blood Bank was organized. The technical assistance provided by a nurse, a midwife, a lab technician and a doctor ensured the training of the local staff.

  • UGANDA: evaluation of new diagnostics for childhood tuberculosis

    This is a multi-centric research project. A P3 laboratory, which uses the culture biology technique, was realized and it allowed to decrease from 20 to 7 days the diagnostic time for TB. The introduction of molecular biology with the GenExpert permitted to have the results in two hours. Furthermore AISPO/Nsambya hosts the trails related to a new bio-molecular device (Lab on Chip) still not on the market which allows to diagnose within a chip non only the TB presence, but also the resistance to the first line drugs.

  • Egypt: technical assistance program at the “Port Said Nursing School”

    Training beneficiary teachers from the faculty of the School of Nursing (theoretical teaching methods through distance learning). Training of tutors and mentors in their educational activities of practical training. Organization of trainings in excellent Italian and International academic facilities

  • KURDISTAN: Improvement of mother and child health

    The project was developed in collaboration with the University of Sassari
    Objective: contribute to enhance the capacity of the Kurd Health National System to respond to the mother and child health demands; particular emphasis is given to complications of pregnancyand neonatal hereditary and congenital diseases; the project’s is transferring competencies to the local personnel and strengthen the capacities of the Health Directorates of Duhok, Sulimanya and Erbil in planning the activities and in allocating resources.

  • KURDISTAN: Support to the health system in Duhok governorate

    The project aims to strengthen the capacities of prevention, early diagnosis and treatment of Duhok Health authorities to face the increased work load due the migration process of populations escaping from the war.

  • PALESTINE: Training of local staff in using endo-laparoscopy techniques

    Beneficiaries are the patients that can have access to the new high quality diagnostic and therapeutic services and about 50 professionals (doctors studying for specialty, specialized doctors, technician and health operators), who are acquiring new competences thanks to the intense training opportunities offered by the project both in Palestine and abroad in accordance to certificated guidelines.

  • KURDISTAN: Support to vulnerable people in refugees and IDPs camps

    The project wants to contribute to improve the health status of the most vulnerable groups of people hosted in the 23 refugee and IDPs camps in Duhok Governorate.
    Special attention is given to preserve the reproductive health and the protection of vulnerable groups such as the disabled and people with chronic diseases. The activities are organized according to the needs identified at the community level. Health operators are trained refugees and IDPs who work in synergy with the Health Directorate personnel.

  • VIETNAM: Carlo Urbani Project – Huè University

    The project is developed in collaboration with the University of Sassari.
    Objective: support the fight against endemic pathologies, such as the genetic and communicable diseases, that are the main cause of infant mortality; the objective will be achieved through the development of advanced research capacities.
    The activities are still ongoing

  • PALESTINE – GAZA STRIP: emergency support to the health sector

    The Israeli / Arab conflict has had an important impact on the Gaza Health Service, because of the damages of the infrastructures, of the number of war causalities and of the deficiency in electric power supply. There is a shortage of drugs and consumables and several health care personnel were lost.

  • AFGHANISTAN: response to pediatric emergencies in Herat province

    Objective: contribute to improve the health status of the pediatric population in Herat Province – Afghanistan – reinforcing the services to meet pediatric and neonatal emergencies.

  • AFGHANISTAN: Training local staff in managing medical emergencies

    Objective: contribute in improving the health status of the population of the Western Region of Afghanistan(Herat, Badghis, Ghor and Farahprovinces), reinforcing the professional capacities of the health personnel to deal with medical emergencies.

  • PALESTINE: promoting the rights of people with disabilities – MOVE

    The project’s specific goal consists in promoting the rights of Persons with Disabilities, supporting their social inclusion through education.
    The project strives to strengthen the capacities of social workers through training, introducing new methodologies, which observe international standards in the social policies field and in the individual personal care.
    The activities are scheduled to start at the beginning of August 2012.

  • ALBANIA: Scutari region First Aid system improvement

    The emergency medicine service was organized and developed in the First Aid Station of Scutari’s and Puke’s Hospitals, as well as out of the Hospitals, in Scutari’s and Puke’s areas:
    Scutari’s Regional Hospital ’s and Puke’s Provincial Hospital ’s First Aid Stations were completely renovated, equipped and furnished
    7 ambulances were equipped in accordance with the international standards

  • COLOMBIA: Saint Raphael Hospital Ship

    In January 2016, from 10th to 31st, AISPO carried out a fundraising campaign to support the Saint Rahael Hospital Ship.

    Colombia is a very peculiar country, where very different social-economics realities coexist.
    Rich and modern cities can be found not far from extremely poor villages where health and school service and even electricity supply are just a dream. In wild areas of the pacific side, 64% of the population lives below the poverty line. It is estimated that there is 1 doctor/100.000 inhabitants.

  • SOUTH SUDAN: strenghthening of Rumbek Hospital capacities

    In the first phase AISPO experts elaborated with the official counterpart a Master Plan for the structural and functional development of the Hospital. The construction of a new Surgical Block was within the first priorities. An expatriate civil engineer has been coordinating the work throughout its final realization. Particular emphasis was given to realize a safe path to dispose the Operating Theatre west.

  • UGANDA: “Stop TB” at St. Francis Nsambya Hospital & Lachor Hospital

    The collaboration between AISPO and National TB and Leprosy Control Program (NTLP) lasts since 2006. Since then AISPO is an active member of Uganda Stop TB Partnership (USTP). USTP is an entity which was created in 2004 with 27 partners (bilateral and multilateral cooperation agencies), to fight TB and reduce its morbidity in Uganda to the 1990 levels (Millenium Development Goals).
    NTLP had already given Nsambya Hospital the responsibility to perform external quality controls within Kampala and Central Zone laboratories.

  • UGANDA: the health of women at St. Francis Nsambya Hospital in Kampala

    Cervix and breast cancer are the most common tumors affecting Ugandan women. AISPO in partnership with AFRON (Oncology in Africa) and APOF (Association of pathologists)has tackled the challenge with this project which just concluded.
    The project has purchased chemotherapy drugs and biomedical equipmentto support the intensive training initiatives carried on by the technical assistance of Italian experts.
    Ancillary services like clinical engineering, quality system and digitalization of the laboratory and clinical departments were reinforced/introduced.

  • MOZAMBIQUE: medical development in Maringue district

    Aispo has been working in Mozambique for more than 20 years.
    This last project continued to pursue efforts to improve the capacities of the National HealthServices and to respond to the health demands of the population. Two doctors offered technical assistance and training to the local personnel. The health services were offered at Maringue Health Center, located in the middle of the District. Remote communities were reached by Mobile Clinics offering preventive and curative services. Some HC were restructured and some were newly constructed together with houses for the health personnel.

  • CONGO: Telemedicine and distance learning at Fomulac Hospital

    Since its beginning in 2010, the project has led to the computerization of several hospital services which makes the clinical activity much easier and to the creation of an information laboratory where the local staff is able to manage the information equipment and the telemedicine and distance-learning connections by himself.