Maringue, Mozambico
Objective: strengthen the capacity of prevention and treatment of Maringue District health services, through structural and functional rehabilitation of the services and training of the clinical an administrative personnel
Concluded: August 2012 – July 2014
Financed by MAECI: € 837.866
Aispo has been working in Mozambique for more than 20 years.
This last project continued to pursue efforts to improve the capacities of the National HealthServices and to respond to the health demands of the population. Two doctors offered technical assistance and training to the local personnel. The health services were offered at Maringue Health Center, located in the middle of the District. Remote communities were reached by Mobile Clinics offering preventive and curative services. Some HC were restructured and some were newly constructed together with houses for the health personnel.
These were the project’s main activities:
· Training of administrative and clinical personnel
· Institutional support through salary integration, purchase of equipment and coverage of the costs of other services offered by the health district
· Extension of 2 HCsand construction of two houses for health operators appointed in remote areas. In particular a staff house and a maternity ward were respectively constructed in Phango e Canxixe, small villages in the savanna. A Dispensary was constructed as well in Palame village.
· Organization of mobile clinics performing health education and offering preventive and curative health services.
· An epidemiological study was done on the vaccination coverage: a scientific article
“Immunization with BCG in the Maringue District, Sofala Province, Mozambique” –was then published in the international scientific journal “Tubercolosys Research and Tretament” ( of the project was the population of Maringue District, about 80.000 people. The health personnel (about 50 persons) benefited as well from the training activities of the project.