To improve the prevention, control, treatment of acute and moderate malnutrition (MAM) and severe (SAM) in children under five years of age and the promotion of good nutritional practices of young mothers in the North Delta in the state of Kassala
- Training for 9 paramedics at 3 health centers on the latest guidelines on the treatment and management of nutritional patients (MAM and SAM)
- Extraordinary maintenance of health centers
- Supply of equipment and furniture for the proper functioning of the nutritional center
- Supply of drugs, consumables and nutritional products for the proper functioning of the health center
- Installation and activation of water points for beneficiary health centers and rehabilitation of baths
- Training of community volunteers on the recognition of signs and symptoms of malnutrition
- Outreach activities in the beneficiary villages
- Community activities on food preparation in the home with groups of women
- Distribution of food, nutritional products and non-food items to children, pregnant women and infants
- Community income-generating activities for groups of women
- Health promotion activities on proper nutrition during pregnancy in the beneficiary villages
- Training for community leaders and representatives of the North Delta Health Authority on good hygiene practices, the correct use of water and on the creation of female groups in villages
- Community activities on food safety and the improvement of home hygiene conditions with groups of women
- Distribution of materials on home protection and food security
- Analysis of the water situation in the villages and the presence of micro-organisms in their water